Research Realm Activated! – Alien Milling Technologies
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Research Realm Activated!

Research Realm is always looking for the newest, most advanced projects in the dentistry. Today's dental field is rapidly growing in the technology department, and it is our job to stay on top of the game with the high demands of digital dentistry. Our focus is to work along side other great minds in the industry and in turn, collaborate to create bigger and better things. This way we can help to grow and improve the way dentistry is seen today. The Realm introduces the new experiments and sheds light on how these projects came about as well as how they function. Our goal is to also share these findings with others in the field to help shape the way dentistry is universally used today. We already know the dental field is evolving to an almost all digital way of being, therefore the job of the Realm is to keep the industry updated with the newest technology for their dental offices and dental laboratories. The purpose of creating projects that use high levels of technology is to ease direct patient comfort, or increase productivity. Productivity is one of any bussiness' highest concerns, and we are here to help with that.

The great minds working together include dental technicians, and dental professionals such as prosthodontists. To insure that these projects make it to market, we are combining the knowledge of dental professionals who work with patients chair side on a daily basis with dental technicians who, with their own hands create these devices. We are acquiring professional opinions and advice to create the most comfortable dental devices for patient's everyday use. But we are not limited to patient care only, we are also working to advance the technology used behind the scenes. The behind the scenes work is the most important step of any successful delivery. We want to improve scanners, printers, milling machines, and websites as well. Having the best working machines would allow for that, and that means less patient complains, faster productivity, and overall satisfaction.The amount of experience that is combined in our brainstorming sessions can lead to creating something nobody has seen before. We do not want to remake something that has already been seen, rather create something that is brand new or improve a concept and make the outcome much bigger for everybody. 

We are all dedicated individuals who have the drive and dedication towards advancement in the dental field and that is the most important characteristics we can have to succeed.


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